News Blog

Gatewood Client, Mildred Muhammad, Launches New Book Tour

Mildred Muhammad, better known as ex-wife of DC sniper John Allen Muhammad, has just released her 2nd book, “I’m Still Standing – Crawling Out of the Darkness Into the Light.” The book is dedicated to those who are in survival mode, and need a push out of pain and doubt, and into healing and renewal. The book tour included appearances on Radio-One’s Marketing Pulpit Radio Show in Silver Spring MD where she was interviewed by Robert Gatewood;  FOX 5…

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Gatewood Hosts Final Pitch TV Road Show

Gatewood, a panel of judges, and a contestant on the set of the shark-tank-like Final Pitch TV show which airs in the fall on DC-area Fox Channel 5 TV. Gatewood has been selected to host the show which is in its second season. In the meantime the show has gone on the road, making stops at events in Baltimore, New York, and Washington, DC.

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Gatewood Featured on “Shirley Thomas TV Show!”

Robert Gatewood discusses with host ShirleyThomas, what it takes to succeed in business. Gatewood has been heralded for his realistic, down-to-earth approach for putting small and startup businesses on the road to success. According to Gatewood, “most business owners don’t set out to become the next Mark Zuckerberg or Oprah Winfrey, they are just regular folks who have chosen entrepreneurship as their means of survival.” Gatewood adds, “that reality begs for realistic solutions, not pie-in-the sky, long-shot fantasies.”

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Let us help you unlock your raison d`etre (reason for being). We help you fashion your vision into profitable brand. Our branding services include all the aspects of helping you establish a presence in the mind of your customers and other stakeholders. Services include but are not limited to: Name Creation – We help you zero in on a name for your organization, a name that identifies with your vision, beliefs and objectives. Logo Design – Our top-notch designers…

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