News Blog

The Art of Profiling

The more you know about your customers, the more successful your ads will be.  Ads that appeal to a specific group are more effective than ads that have a broad appeal. Accordingly, you should break down the customers in your target market to the individuals who will make the purchase. 

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MLN or Not

The success of an MLN (multi-level network), like traditional marketing, depends considerably on when you enter the market. In the case of an MLN however, timing is more critical because the life-cycle is considerably shorter. It’s not your imagination that some people have fared very well with MLN’s.

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Who Needs a Website?

Times are changing. Whether we like it or not, there are some things in business that we must do, if for no other reason, than because everyone else is doing it.  It’s sort of like that dark blue suit you wore to your last job interview.  It didn’t really make you more or less qualified, but  you might not want to be the only person to show up in a mudcloth kaftan. 

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Why Most Advertising Doesn’t Work

If you think your family is giving you a hard time now about this business you decided to start, we have some sobering news for you. Not only are bad advertising investments a waste of your advertising money, left unchecked,  they will eventually waste your office lease money, your payroll money, and (you’re going to hate this) eventually waste your personal money. That’s right! … mortgage money, car note money, rainy-day money, child’s-education-fund money, etc.

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Jingles & Audio Ads

If you thought your new logo created a buzz, just wait until your clients and colleagues hear your own customized jingle. That original tune you’ve been carrying around in your head since high school can now become a professionally produced jingle along with professional music and professional studio singers.

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Gatewood is Guest on SiriusXM’s Joe Madison Show

Whether with an effective advertising campaign, sound marketing strategy, profitable business development, a workforce strategy, or a cost-efficient web presence, our clients demonstrate how we can help you too! “If you have a non-profit organization or a business, I strongly recommend Gatewood for your marketing, web and/or workforce needs. These guys don’t play.  They tell you what you what they are going to do, then they do it. They have been my webmaster for many years and I’m happy to have them on the team.” -Joe…

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